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SoftRescue Pro Edition

How to implement a slow PC fix

 Many different things can cause PC to become sluggish.  Just as there are several reasons your computer may be acting finicky, there are many ways to improve its performance.  Remove software that you no longer use can increase the amount of available memory.  This will free up space in which the computer can allocate against software that you consistently use.  Defragment your disk drive will also improve the functionality of the computer and combat slow computer performance.
Slow computer fix 1: remove unused Software 
  Remove software is relatively simple.  If you are using Windows XP, you will go to control panel, and then click the "Add/Remove Programs".  If you are running Vista or Windows 7, you will access the Control Panel, and then click "programs and features".  From there you must search through the list of currently installed programs, locate the program that you don't use.  When you find something that you want to delete, select it by clicking on it. Click "Uninstall".Continue with all the programs you don't use.To get rid of these memory transitional concerns is a slight slow computer patch; some programs can tell you that you need to restart your browser or computer for the changes to take effect; when you're finished, just close your control panel and perform all necessary reboots. 

  Slow computer fix 2: run a disk defragmentation 
  Defragmenting is a bit more time consuming, but it is a very slow computer patch.  Defragment your hard drive means to organize your files in optimal locations.Before you run the defrag command, you must back up all files contain everything you need or that you would not be able to replace.  Then, you need to scan the drive with CHKDSK and correct any problems.  Now close all running programs.  Are you ready to start defragmentation.  
Go to the "Disk defragmentation" (see "system tools") and click the "Analyze".This will tell you if it is necessary to run defrag. provided that it is necessary, you can now click "Defragment"; it can take quite a while to run, sometimes up to a couple of hours.Never turn off your computer when you run a defrag because this may damage internal files.When you defragment is complete, Note any error messages and print a process log. You are finished with the process and can now close this tool.
Ongoing maintenance
Check the list of installed programs each month to see if there is something sitting there that you no longer use. Run defrag regularly to prevent slow down to keep a maintenance schedule for your computer is as important as keeping with changing the oil in your car, you can also set the computer's task manager to run defragmentation you regularly; computers running slowly is frustrating, especially if you are in the middle of an important project; by maintaining a healthy PC, you can avoid having to find a slow PC patch again.