Is the computer overheating?
If the CPU or hard drive starts to overheat than they fast in performance will degrade, even during simple edits and components parts will eventually fail.Check the BIOS menu for diagnostic information on fan speeds and CPU temperature. If these above guidelines than to ensure that all openings and air intakes to the PC are unblocked. for desktop PCs, open the housing and clear out all dust using a can of compressed air from the heat sink, the fans and fan filters.
Is there a virus on your PC?
The presence of a bug on a computer (for example, adware, malware, Trojan viruses, etc.) can spoil the operating system and cause problems with the performance. run a full scan of your hard drive and a USB memory drives you are using.
If the applications not damage to the Windows registry (a core operating system file that is used to repair for configuring applications) then use a registry cleaner or PC repair tool to recover from the damage.
If your budget permits it. I recommend you buy the Best of the Best Anti-virus/malware Kaspersky 2011. This is more effective than Norton's and Macafee counterparts.
Is your hard disk space full?
The operating system Windows recommends that normally 10% of the disk space freed (or 200 MB) for use by the virtual memory paging file.Virtual memory is used by all programs are process commands. If this is is limited due to the hard drive filling up will then OS performance dramatically worsen.
Get rid of old applications that you are no longer needed, and you use the disk cleanup tool (accessories, System Tools) cookies, temporary files and data in the cache. when my computer is running slow after copying large bulky files to the drive (for example, MP3 files), then this is the first item check I think.
Is the time to defragment the hard drive?
Disk fragmentation occurs because the files are stored as many small fragments located around the disk. This is great for memory management, but may result in your computer slow once these fragments in the thousands.
Use Windows own Defrag tool or Regtool (a registry cleaner with advanced disk defragmentation features).If I find my computer runs very slow after deleting a large amount of files on your hard disk or after use of tools that generate a large number of small files (for example, audio/visual production software) then this is one of the most important things to check.
There are too many applications running at once?
Computers are limited by the number of applications they are carried out based on the amount of RAM you have installed. open the Task manager utility on the processes tab and try to pick out background applications that you can do without.
As I do that my computer is very slow when you run a separate application than I memory usage in Task Manager to check and see if it is excessive in comparison with other programs. If it does, then decide to switch from the program, uninstall it, check the maker website for updates and/or search if there are performance issues/tweaks are well known.
If you are still trying to work out why my computer is so slow that all of a sudden, even after performing these checks, it is quite possible that there is a hardware fault with the PC. Open the Device Manager (Control Panel, system, hardware) and check that all internal and external peripherals hardware components are working properly. This tool also offers its own Troubleshooting wizard to guide you through some of the controls that you can create and defective parts.